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Punct Palanga, Runcu, Județul Dâmbovița

Potcoava Mountain Hideaway Runcu - Официальная система бронирования

Do you want to relax in the middle of nature, away from the noise of the city? To cross forests and mountain paths in the saddle of the horse? Maybe on a bike or with cross-country skis? In Runcu, you will discover a fairytale landscape and you will enjoy the fruits of the work of a team of folk craftsmen who collaborated to create the Horseshoe. From the actual construction to the details of the interior design, all are made with dichis and the desire to reconnect with nature and the traditional Romanian magical space. We describe the place as a "mountain hideaway", because we believe it is the perfect space to hide from speed, technology, deadlines and other such "joys" of everyday life. We are on the top of a hill, 3 km from the nearest house, surrounded by forests and with a fairytale view of the Leaota mountains. A green and still wild corner of heaven, 2 hours from Bucharest, is waiting for you to discover it on foot, on horseback or by bicycle. On the cool paths in the woods at the foot of the Leaota Mountains, following the old royal road to Transylvania, you will restore the vital energy needed to help you return home to complete your plans or, who knows, change them.

оборудование Potcoava Mountain Hideaway Runcu
ресторан, бар, завтрак, Курение запрещено во всех общественных и частных помещениях, Комнаты для семей, терраса, сад

Бесплатная парковка.

Няня / Услуги по Уходу за Детьми, Факс / Ксерокопирование, прачечная

Доступ в Интернет предоставляется бесплатно.

Детская площадка для детей, сауна, джакузи, пеший туризм, верховая езда, караоке, терраса

Знание языков
Română    English   

Способы оплаты
наличные деньги (RON)       Visa       MasterCard      

Holiday card

Мое бронирование
  • July, 27


    July, 28


    бронирование для 1 ночь